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How To ...

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Below is an example of a "How To" demonstrating the steps for making a May Basket.

The Presentation
The presentation demonstrates how to make a May Basket. In the shot, the action happens WITHOUT movement of the camera. The host stands in front of the camera and demonstrates the "How To". The camera is in one place with a medium to wide shot. The host does the presentation in five steps.

The Script
Title: Making a May Basket Location: Media Center
Students: Ellen and Ryan of Maxey Elementary School
Date: 04/27/2002


Wide: the host is sitting at a table with an array of candy spread out.

Host waves arm over the candy and cup

Host holds up the cup with the word May on it.

Host eats a piece of candy

Host eats another piece of candy

Host puts the candy in the cup and holds up the cup to the camera.

Fade to Black

Host: Hello, I'm here to show you how to make a may basket.

First you need candy and a cup

Second; write May on the cup. This makes it an official May Basket.

Third; test the candy

Fourth; test, once again, the candy.

Fifth; put the candy in the basket and hand it out.

The Shot Sheet

Title: Making a May Basket Location: Media Center
Students: Ellen and Ryan of Maxey Elementary School
Date: 04/27/2002

Shot Description Comments

Shot: Wide:

Host at table with candy.

She waves her hand over the candy and cup.

She holds up the cup

She eats a piece of candy.

She eats a second piece of candy

She puts the candy in the cup and holds it up to the camera.


To see the video of "How to Make a May Basket" click on the icon below