is it coming from?
Train yourself to look for the light. When
you enter the area of taping, look around to see
your light sources. Also, look at your subject(s)
to see if there are any contrasts (bright and
dark colors). Remember that the camera has a hard
time with contrasts.
The light source should be behind the camera.
two images on the right are of the same room but
shot at opposite angles. The top one was shot
into the light and bottom one is shot with the
light behind the camera.

What are they wearing? In a family gathering,
there is not much you can do. But if this was a
shoot, we would try to have the clothes be less contrasting. We would replace the stark white
clothes with more pastels. This will create a softer, less contrasting, effect.

Is it busy, loud or moving? Is the light source in front of the camera? Can you move to get a better shot and
still have the subject in frame? |

Shoot away from strong, white light unless you
are consciously creating an artistic halo effect. You must make this decision BEFORE you
shoot. |
