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5 in 1; The Shot

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The Story:
The story is of someone eating a sandwich.

Scene 1, Shot 1 is a wide shot of a person eating that contains the following actions: Action 1 is the subject taking out bread. Action 2, the subject is spreading peanut butter on the bread. Action 3 the subject is spreading jelly on the bread. Action 4 the subject is putting the two pieces of bread together. Action 5 the subject is eating the sandwich.

The Script
Title: The Eating       Location: The Kitchen
Students: Billy Windward and Karen Skyye
Date: 13/13/200


Scene 1

Shot 1
Wide Shot:
The scene opens with a person about to eat a sandwich.

We see her/him reach into a bag and bring out bread.

We see then that peanut butter is spread out onto the bread.

Next the jelly is spread.

Last s/he puts the two pieces of bread together and starts to eat.

We watch as the mouth munches and munches.

Then the person swallows.

Fade to Black



The Shot Sheet

Title: The Eating Location: Kitchen
Students: Billy Windward and Karen Skyye
Date: 13/13/99

Shot: Description: Comments:

Wide Shot:

We see a person about to eat a sandwich.

We see her/him reach into a bag and bring out bread.

We see then that peanut butter is spread out onto the bread.

Next the jelly is spread.

Last s/he puts the two pieces of bread together and starts to eat.

We watch as the mouth munches and t
hen the person swallows.