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The Scavenger Hunt

overview | assignment | evaluation | examples | shot list

The Shot List:
Each student must capture at least five shots and the group must get all the shots on tape.

Zoom In
The lens of the camera moves in such a way as to bring the image closer to the camera

Zoom Out
The lens of the camera moves in such a way as to move the image away from the camera

Pan Right
The camera swivels to the right, causing the image to move from right to left across the screen.

Pan Left
The camera swivels to the left, causing the image to move from left to right across the screen.

Action within the Frame
The subject moves within the frame and the camera DOES NOT move.

Follow the Action
The subject is moving yet stays within the frame because the camera is MOVING with the subject.

Look-See Room
The subject is placed on the outer third looking into the frame.

Horizon - Upper Third
The horizon is place on the upper third of the screen.

Horizon - Middle Third
The horizon is place in the middle of the screen.

Horizon - Lower Third
The horizon is place on the lower third of the screen.

Trapping the Subject
The subject is placed on the outer third looking away from the frame.

Close Up
A tight shot of the subject or object.

Extreme Close Up
Even closer shot of the subject or object. This is usually just a part of the subject or object.

The subject or object is placed near a light and the camera is placed so as to capture the subject or object in both light and shadow.

Flat shot
The camera is pointing straight at a flat object with the lines running across the frame

Shot with depth using lines
The camera is pointing at an angle to the natural lines of the object or the scene.

Tracking shot
The camera and operator follows the subject, keeping the subject in the same area of the frame. Similar to keeping the action within the frame but the operator and camera move with the subject.

MTV shot
The camera begins recording at an odd angle pointing to the subject. The operator moves around the subject and moves the camera to a different odd angle.

Under/Over exposed shot
A still shot with the iris closed for under exposure and then opened too far for over exposure.

Rack Focus
Starting with an object in focus in the background, role the focus ring so the object in the background goes out of focus and an object in the foreground comes into focus.

Critical Focus
Zoom into the subjects eyes and focus the camera. Zoom back out and set your shot to a medium head shot.